Kinesio Taping

Kinesio tape is a special elastic tape that is applied to the affected area of ​​the body using a specific technique. It is painless and generally well tolerated. Taping has established itself as a supportive therapy in sports and for various musculoskeletal complaints.

What is it good for?
Kinesio taping improves muscle function
The muscles are relaxed via the skin's touch receptors. Positive stimuli are continuously provided through the body's own movement. This improves static and dynamic coordination.
Kinesio taping affects the lymphatic system
The taping method reduces pressure in the superficial lymphatic vessels. The affected area is relieved and lymphatic drainage is promoted. Taping is therefore a useful addition to manual lymphatic drainage.

Kinesio taping influences pain transmission
The stimulation of the mechanoreceptors activates the body's own pain-dampening system. In addition, blood circulation in the affected area is promoted. In the case of chronic illnesses, Kinesio taping can relieve pain and successfully support other therapeutic measures.
Kinesio taping supports the joints

By influencing certain receptors, a better sense of movement is achieved. Ligament techniques are used to increase the stability of the joints. Due to the elastic properties, the range of motion in the affected joint is not impaired. This makes Kinesio taping particularly interesting for athletes and people with physically demanding jobs.
Kinesio taping affects the internal organs.

Kinesio taping can have a viscerocutaneous reflex on certain areas of the skin and thus influence the internal organs.
Kinesio taping cannot be prescribed by a doctor, so it is purely a personal service.
You can find our prices on our website. If you have any questions, please contact us personally or via our contact form.

